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Helping you stay at home with equipment, adaptations, and specialist advice to help you live independently.
Occupational therapists support residents and their carers, who are living with a disability, or medical condition.
We look at how residents are managing their daily activities in and around their home. There are various ways to help you stay at home such as provision of equipment, adaptations, and specialist advice
We can help by providing an assessment to people who are disabled or living with long-term conditions. Occupational therapists can suggest changes to your home based on individual needs with the aim of promoting independence and reducing risks.
A member of the service will either contact you by phone or visit you at home to help identify what your individual needs are.
The assessment will look at how you navigate the home environment, and how you complete daily living tasks like bathing, getting in and out of bed, accessing the toilet, entering, and leaving the property, stairs, and personal care tasks.
The assessment will consider those who provide support, such as formal carers and relatives.
We may also work with other professionals, services and organisations to provide appropriate support.
If you feel you need support and advice from an occupational therapist, we'll have a conversation with you about your situation, and find out how we can help.
To start this conversation, please complete our online form.
There are several online retailers that stock a variety of small daily living aids including: long handle grab sticks, raised toilet seats and kitchen aids, kettle tippers and easy grip cutlery.
Living Made Easy gives information, advice and a list of suppliers to help you choose. However, we always recommend shopping around first. If you are unsure what aids will meet your needs or feel you need specialist advice, an occupational therapist may be able to help.
Age UK can provide information and advice equipment pieces and adaptations to help you stay at home.
Your GP can refer you for a mobility aid or wheelchair if you have concerns about walking indoors or getting around outdoors.
You may also get support to make repairs to your home. For more details, see Staying Put.
If you have a piece of equipment that you no longer require or it needs repair, please see equipment collection ,exchange or repair.
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