Council and elections

Voting and elections, council, committees and meetings, policies, plans and strategies, the Mayor of Croydon, make a comment or complaint and have your say, privacy and open data, budgets and spending, communications, insurance claims against the council.

Voting and elections

The electoral register, register to vote and how to vote, current elections and referendums, councillor vacancies, voting rights for EU citizens, working on elections and canvassing, previous election results and electoral reviews.

Council leadership, committees and meetings

Council corporate management team, committees, boards and meetings, your elected representatives including Croydon councillors, youth democracy, council constitution, Croydon strategic partnership, governance review.

Policies, plans and strategies

The Mayor's Business Plan, key decision notices and statements of executive decisions, finance and resources, housing, children and families, health and social care, Croydon digital strategy and our modern day slavery policy.

The Mayors of Croydon

Information about the Elected, Civic, and Young Mayors of Croydon, their roles, and the history of the Mayor of Croydon.

Budgets and spending

Section 114 notice, reports and reviews, including internal audit reports, the council budget, accounts and payments, reported gifts and hospitality, pensions.


Register for My Account online, keeping you informed and involved, Your Croydon, your source of local community news and how to stay in touch with us on social media.