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Blue badge application instructions for companies with 5 or more people.
Organisations are eligible for a Blue Badge if they have responsibility for the continuous care and transport of 5 or more people who are eligible for Blue Badges.
Organisations working with fewer than 5 eligible people are advised to support them to apply for an individual Blue Badge.
Important: only apply through GOV.UK. Do not use unofficial sites which may charge higher fees for applying.
If you are unable to apply through GOV.UK, request a paper form by emailing your name and address to travel.service@croydon.gov.uk.
Apply for an organisational Blue Badge on GOV.UK
Email: travel.service@croydon.gov.uk
Phone: 020 8726 7100 from Monday to Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. Choose option 1 for parking, then option 4 for travel services.
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