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Contact Croydon Film Office to find the best locations to film in Croydon, as well as how to apply to have a venue or property considered as a filming location.
Croydon is often used as a location for high profile films, commercials and TV drama series. Feature films which have been filmed here include:
Ford and Confused.com TV commercials were recently shot here and the town was a regular location for filming of Peepshow and The Bill.
Croydon Film Office advises film makers and photographers about how to find the best locations and is run and managed by FilmFixer Ltd. Contact them to find out more.
Croydon Film Office
Email info@croydonfilmoffice.co.uk
Telephone: 0207 620 0391
24hr emergency phone: 07919 002 115
If you own an interesting location, be it a house or business, Croydon Film Office can help you promote it to the film industry. Just phone for advice or email some photographs to the address below.
We understand that film makers can occasionally be a disruptive presence, we work closely with tenants and residents associations, local businesses and organisations such as the police to reduce disturbance to a minimum.
If you have any questions about filming activity which is taking place in your area, please get in touch with the Croydon Film Office by phone (using the mobile number for emergencies outside office hours) or by email.
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