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Our aim to better the educational and employment outcomes, as well as the life chances, of each and every child who passes through or stays in the care of us.
Each school is required to have a nominated designated teacher. This is a statutory requirement whether or not a school has a looked after child currently registered. This is to ensure that whenever one of the pupils becomes looked after or a new child in care is admitted to the school that there is a trained teacher to meet their needs.
Each child or young person that is part of the Virtual School has a tailored electronic Personal Education Plan (ePEP) - a record of their education.
The ePEP records our commitments to ensure that every young person in our care has positive experiences with their education. Schools, colleges, and social workers can access this ePEP online.
Meetings take place each term to review this plan alongside the carer and the young person. Together we make sure that it is up to date and working effectively. We also monitor the young person's:
Our aim is to ensure that every child looked after by us has the support they need at school.
Visit ePEP online
If you have any training and support needs, please email ePEP@croydon.gov.uk for further information. Also, contact us, using this email address, if you are experiencing issues accessing the ePEP system.
If you are already an ePEP user, you can view our training videos with your password. To request a password to view the training videos, email epep@croydon.gov.uk. Please use this email address for further ePEP questions you may have or if you would like to book a new users training session.
The Arena free online training platform is for professionals supporting Croydon cared for children and children with a Social Worker. This is a great opportunity to learn skills and share good practice, knowledge and resources with other professionals working in a similar role.
Some of the topics we have covered include:
To book a place on our next training event, please email virtualschool@croydon.gov.uk for further information
PPG+ Funding is allocated to us for the number of looked after children in care. The PPG+ allowance is based on the figures provided by local authorities in their statutory annual returns.
View our PPG+ policy for further details
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