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Contact details of agencies and organisations which can help with anti-social behaviour.
If you are experiencing antisocial behaviour there are many organisations which can help, depending on the situation:
Report antisocial behaviour to the police non-emergency 101 reporting line. If there is an immediate threat to your personal safety please call the police on 999.
Download our policy and procedures, which detail the our approach to tackling anti-social behaviour.
To report noise nuisance please email the pollution team at pollution@croydon.gov.uk
Support and help is available for victims, survivors and their families of domestic, violence and sexual violence. Support is available for you or someone you're worried about.
If you think a vulnerable adult is being abused in any way, you can report this as a safeguarding concern.
If you're a member of the public who has concerns that a child or young person is being harmed or needs support, you should contact our Single Point of Contact (SPOC) team.
You can report fly-tipping online or download our Don't Mess with Croydon app to send a photo and location of fly-tipping straight to the relevant team.
The you can get help for rough sleepers through StreetLink.
Talk to your local police about ongoing crime and anti-social behaviour issues:
Contact your police safer neighbourhoods team
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