The Kroll report 2023

An independent review looking into the refurbishment of Fairfield Halls.

The Kroll report was an independent review looking into the refurbishment of Fairfield Halls and related matters.

It was commissioned by the council to provide clarity over the probity and integrity of decision making around the Fairfield Halls refurbishment project, the reasons the project ran over budget and schedule, governance failures and whether there was evidence of potential wrongdoing by individuals.

It is referred to as the Kroll report because the in-depth investigation was conducted by independent forensic auditors, Kroll.

After the council received the Kroll report, it needed to be checked and those mentioned in the report were all given a chance to respond to the comments about themselves – a process called Maxwellisation.

Once Kroll had considered their feedback and made any changes to their report they considered were required; the council received the Kroll report. This was then presented to the Appointments and Disciplinary Committee on 23 March 2023. Having considered the committee’s feedback, the report was finalised on 13 April 2023.

The report was one of a suite of reports which members unanimously agreed at that meeting should be referred to the Metropolitan Police as part of their consideration of the offence of misconduct in public office. The council did not publish the Kroll report or progress with other activity whilst their review was underway.

Following the outcome of the police review, the council is now able to proceed.

A unanimous decision by the council's cross-party Appointments and Disciplinary Committee on Monday 9 December 2024, was made to publish the report. The committee agreed that the Kroll report should be published, maintaining their commitment to transparency, in the same way that all previous reports have done. This is so Croydon residents can fully understand the background of the council’s financial collapse in 2020.

Download the Kroll report (PDF 19MB)