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How to appeal, what the deadlines are and the different processes for each year group.
If you have not been offered a place for your child at your preferred school you have a right of appeal under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as amended by the Education Act 2001).
You cannot appeal if you have not yet applied to the school.
If you need to apply for a school place for your child, please see our page on school admissions for further information.
Please find further information on your right of appeal and considerations before appealing here
Croydon Independent Appeal Service only facilitates appeal hearings for the following Croydon community primary schools, non-community schools and academies.
If the school you intend to appeal is not listed, please contact the school directly or visit the school’s website for guidance on its appeal process and deadlines.
The deadline for lodging 2025/26 reception year appeals is 23 May 2025 for the schools and academies listed on this page.
Appeals received after the 23 May 2025 deadline may not be heard until the autumn term, as appeals do not take place during school holidays.
Appeals following late applications for the admissions round should be heard within 40 school days of the deadline. If this is not possible, the appeal will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
All appeals for the schools and academies listed on this page must be submitted via the following KS1 or KS2 online appeal forms.
Key stage 1 (KS1) is primary school reception, year 1 and year 2.
The law states that KS1 classes must be limited to a maximum of 30 children. This has an impact on how appeals for these year groups are considered and they can only be upheld in the following very limited circumstances:
Please consider these limited grounds when submitting your appeal.
All valid KS1 appeals will be heard by an Independent Appeal Panel as required by the School Admissions Appeal Code. You will be notified of the hearing date no later than 10 school days before of the hearing. Please see the information regarding appeal deadlines and timescales above.
Appeal hearings usually take place remotely via Microsoft Teams. You will be provided with further information including joining instructions and guidance on what to expect before the hearing.
Key stage 2 (KS2) is primary school year 3 onwards.
All valid KS2 appeals will be heard by an Independent Appeal Panel as required by the School Admissions Appeal Code. You will be notified of the hearing date no later than 10 school days before of the hearing. Please find information regarding appeal deadlines and timescales above.
Appeal hearings usually take place remotely via Microsoft Teams. You will be provided with further information including joining instructions and guidance on what to expect before the hearing.
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