National Fraud Initiative

Find out how we use data matching to prevent and detect fraud.

Data matching

Data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims to be identified by comparing records held by one body, against records held by another body. This is usually personal data.

A match may indicate that further investigation is required. No assumption of fraud or error can be made until an investigation is carried out.

We are required by law to protect the public funds we administer. 

We may share information:
•    With other bodies responsible for auditing and administering public funds
•    When undertaking a public function to prevent and detect fraud and errors

The Public Sector Fraud Authority is responsible for carrying out data matching exercises. This is part of the National Fraud Initiative.  

National Fraud Initiative

We participate in the Public Sector Fraud Authority’s National Fraud Initiative.  We are required by law to provide regular data matching sets to the Public Sector Fraud Authority. 

The National Fraud Initiative includes a twice yearly matching exercise and an annual matching of Council Tax records under the heading of ‘ReCheck’. We also participate in the National Fraud Initiative’s ‘Fraud Hub’ and ‘App Check’ which allow for on demand data matching and validation against those existing data sets at the point of application for a service.

The use of data by the Public Sector Fraud Authority is carried out with statutory authority, under Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.   Consent from the individuals is not required under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), or the Data Protection Act 2018.  Data matching by the Public Sector Fraud Authority is subject to a Code of Practice.

Visit website for more information on the Public Sector Fraud Authority's legal powers and the reasons why it matches particular information.

For further information about our data supply and matching contact:

Corporate anti-fraud team


Phone: 020 8726 6000

Croydon Council, Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom