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If your account is in credit as a result of overpaying your Council Tax in the previous year, you can apply for a refund.
If your account is in credit because of overpaying your Council Tax in the previous year, you can apply for a refund.
You can apply for a refund if your account is in credit because you overpaid your council tax in the previous year. However, if you do not claim this, the money will be used to reduce your council tax for 2025/26, lowering your monthly instalments.
If you would like to claim a refund of the credit once your new bill has been issued, you will need to contact us as soon as possible to arrange this. Your 2025/26 instalments will be recalculated to remove the credit, and a new bill sent with higher instalments than the original bill.
Telephone: 0208 726 7000, option 2
Payment line: 0345 300 0614 (option 3)
Email: croyctax@croydon.gov.uk
You can switch to paperless billing, check your balance, instalments, payments, and view bills online 24 hours a day.
If you're not sure if you are owed anything, look at your final bill. Your bill will show that you owe a negative amount. You will see a '-' sign in front of the "any amount owed" box.
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