Air quality

find out more about air quality, how we measure it, and what Croydon is doing to improve air quality to protect everyone’s health

Air quality monitoring

Due to the poor air quality throughout London, in Croydon an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) has been declared for the whole of the borough.

The AQMA has been declared for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - because we are failing to meet the EU annual average limit for this pollutant at some of our monitoring stations.

We measure air quality in two different ways: with small ‘diffusion tubes’ which measure NO2 levels, and with automatic electronic sensors which measure NO2 and PM. We currently have 30 diffusion tubes and three automatic monitoring sites in the borough. 

You can view the location of monitoring stations around the borough here by visiting: Air quality monitoring stations

Air quality in Croydon is improving. NO2 levels at Croydon’s automatic monitoring sites have decreased significantly during recent years. Particulate matter has also decreased but still does not meet the World Health Organisation air quality standards.

As part of our legal responsibilities, each year we review all air quality data in Croydon and assess our progress towards the air quality objectives. The Annual Status Reports (ASR) are submitted to the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Greater London Authority. 

Visit the  Love Clean Air website for more information about the following:

Pollution Team