Our response to climate change

Climate crisis response

In July 2019, we declared a climate emergency. We set up the Croydon Climate Crisis Commission to guide our response to the climate emergency. In June 2021 the commission produced a report which included recommendations on how the borough can become carbon neutral by 2030. 

We have

Croydon Carbon Neutral Action Plan

On the 7 February 2022, we formally approved the Croydon Carbon Neutral Action plan.
The plan builds upon the recommendations found within the Croydon Climate Crisis Commission report. It sets out our latest position on, and approach to, reducing carbon emissions from activities within the borough. Our journey to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 will be challenging and will require an enormous and collaborative effort.

Download the Croydon Carbon Neutral Action plan (PDF, 712KB).

Sustainable Croydon Forum

We aim to set up a sustainable Croydon forum. The forum is open to any charity, association or organisation in the borough and will help form part of the solution in tackling the climate crisis.

We have put together a survey which will help us understand what type of resources and support would be most beneficial to you. Also, what environmental measures have been achieved in the borough, which will help shape the forum. The survey also gives you the option to be contacted in the future regarding climate change meetings and initiatives.

  • If you are a school and would like to be part of the forum, complete our survey 
  • If you are a charity or any other registered or unregistered organisation, and would like to be part of the forum, complete our survey.

Green Business Network

We aim to set up a green business network. The network will be open to any business in the borough. It will form a crucial part of our collective effort to achieve carbon neutrality across the borough and be a catalyst for positive change in our community.

We are gathering information in a survey which will help us understand what type of resources and support would be most beneficial to businesses and what environmental measures have been carried out in the borough which will help shape the network. The survey will also give you the option to be contacted in the future regarding climate change meetings and initiatives.

If you are a business, and would like to be part of the network, complete our survey.

UK Business Climate Hub

The UK Business Climate Hub is a collaboration between the UK Government, businesses and business groups across the UK. The hub provides net zero   advice for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK.

Visit the UK Business Climate Hub website for advice on energy saving and advice on achieving net zero