Housing in Croydon

Information on the housing situation in Croydon including options and support available to you.

Your home - your move

We are here to help you and your family live in an affordable and safe home. We aim to:

  • Keep you in your current home, where possible, OR
  • Help you find an alternative affordable private rented home.

Housing Facts in Croydon

We have about 5,000 households on our Housing register, with many people waiting over 10 years for social housing (council or housing association homes).

Almost 2,000 people apply as homeless each year to the council.

Only 260 council properties became available last year for people on our waiting list. 

With pressures on housing supply in Croydon, there are a lot of myths about who can get council housing and what other options are available to people.

You can download our Don't Mess with Croydon app to report empty properties straight to the relevant team. 

Looking for another home?

If you are looking for somewhere to live there are some great alternative options available, where you can find a new home much quicker (a matter of a few weeks) if you take action yourself. Have a look at the popular options. For more information please go to www.croydonchoice.org.uk

Our find private rented section provides help and advice on this option.

If you are in emergency accommodation and would like support to move, please email moveonteam@croydon.gov.uk.

Being made homeless - Need help?

If you are threatened with homelessness and need our help, our advice will depend on your current situation. For more information see our housing self help tool.