Major works and planned repairs

Major works and planned repairs are large one-off repair works, improvements or redecoration to your building or the area around your building.

These are different from the 'day-to-day' unplanned repairs. They are needed when sections of the building or surrounding areas deteriorate. This may include:

  • the roof
  • pathways on the estate
  • decorations to the outside of the building
  • decorations to shared areas inside, such as stairways

 They are always planned except in emergency situations.

Redecoration and renewal

We have a rolling programme of re-decoration for all our properties and we carry out what are called 'associated works' at the same time. This may include such things as repairing or renewing door and window frames, gutters, or mending broken railings.

Consulting you about major works

All leaseholders will be consulted before major repairs and redecorations are carried out in their building.

You will be consulted about planned repairs where the estimated cost is over £250 per leaseholder, or £100 if it is a long-term agreement. 

Consultation process

You are consulted at two stages:

  1.  Notice of Intent: this is a letter with details of work to be carried out.  You are given a 30 day consultation period to comment.  The work is then put to tender.
  2.  Section 20 Notice: this is a letter giving details of the two lowest quotes received in response to the tender. It includes an estimate of the amount of the individual leaseholder's contribution based on these quotes. You are given a further 30 days consultation period.

Leaseholders are able to make comments during the consultation process. We must consider these comments and work can only start once this consultation process has been completed.

If a lot of work is planned, we will meet with residents and recognised residents' associations, before the Section 20 Notice consultation process begins.

If the works are urgent and cannot be delayed we may have to proceed without consulting with the residents beforehand.

During major work report any issues to us as they arise, details below, do not leave them until you are invoiced.

Management fee

All leaseholders must pay a management fee for major works. This fee also covers consultation costs and the professional fees for the technical staff. These fees will be subject to review. 

Paying your contribution

On completion of all works, we will prepare the invoice for the leaseholders detailing your contribution.

Under the terms of your lease, your share of the cost must be in full within 28 days of receiving your invoice.

If you are unable to pay the full amount, we offer a number of payment plans extending interest free payments to help you manage your bill.  You must contact your leaseholder services officer to arrange it within 28 days of the invoice. 

Read more about our major works repayment plans (PDF, 559KB).



Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom