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Download the revised library opening hours for 2025 (PDF, 96KB).
Our digital library remains open 24/7 providing access to thousands of books, magazines and newspapers. All this is available for free to library members with a library card. If you're not a library member you can join instantly online.
Enjoy rhyme, rhythm, and songs with your little one at your local libraries. Rhymetimes are free, fun and can help your child learn to talk and to develop their imagination.
Places are limited so contact your local library to book. A list of dates and times, along with contact details can be downloaded below.
Rhymetimes under-fives sessions,(PDF, 569KB)
Museum of Croydon has produced a BHM learning pack, which includes information on English composer Samuel Coleridge Taylor, Stormzy and Sislin Fay Allen, Britain’s first black female police officer.
Following guidance from our Health and Safety and Public Health teams, we are delighted to announce that the Archives Research Room, now under the management of Croydon Libraries, will re-open by appointment on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12 May 2021.
Initially, appointments will be available from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm. You can book an appointment by emailing archives@croydon.gov.uk, providing details of the items you wish to view and preferences for day and time of an appointment.
We will continue to answer remote enquiries and work more closely with our Libraries colleagues in an integrated way to find new ways of sharing our collections with our residents.
A library service review on our current library services model..
Croydon Libraries
Museum of Croydon official
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