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Find out about the RAP sports programme for children and young people (aged 5 to 25) with disabilities and additional needs.
Sports activities are delivered by experienced staff that are enhanced DBS checked and are suitably qualified.
We focus on physical and social development and celebrate the smallest achievements whilst encouraging the progression of sport from grass roots through to excellence.
Activities include:
Complete the registration form below for your child to be involved in the RAP sports programme.
Email: sdo@croydon.gov.uk.
Details about courses are in the RAP sports courses brochure (PDF 1.3MB).
If your child is registered, make your payment for a course. Select Sport Courses from the Product Search list and choose the course you would like to book a place for. If the course isn’t listed, contact the team at sdo@croydon.gov.uk. If your child is not registered, use the form below. This makes it easier to match your payment to your child's details.
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