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A traffic management order (TMO) is a statutory legal document used to support enforceable traffic or highway measures. It covers the main types of traffic and parking orders.
TMOs are used to protect people and traffic using the borough's roads and to prevent damage to the roads or to buildings or structures on or near the roads.
You can view permanent TMOs on a map.
TMOs are used to enforce:
Emergency road closures may be enforced when there is an immediate danger to the public due to situations such as road subsidence or a dangerous building.
Draft orders detailing schemes are sent to the statutory consultees such as Transport for London (TfL), the police and local councillors. Notices are also placed on street lights in the affected roads.
Permanent TMOs for the last 12 months are listed in this section. You can also view temporary TMOs for the last 12 months.
Download a TMO application form (Word, 2MB)
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