Zebra crossings

How to use a zebra crossing and to request a new zebra crossing.

The council installs or upgrades several pedestrian crossings (zebra, puffin or pelican crossings) each year.

Compared to signal-controlled crossings, zebra crossings are used on less important roads; those having less traffic and fewer people crossing the road.

At zebra crossings:

  • give traffic plenty of time to see you and to stop before crossing
  • wait until traffic has stopped from both directions or the road is clear before crossing 
  • keep looking both ways, and listening, in case a driver or cyclist has not seen you and attempts to overtake a vehicle that has stopped.

And remember:

  • drivers need more time to bring their vehicles under control when the road is slippery 
  • traffic does not have to stop until someone has moved onto the crossing
  • regular motorists tend to ignore crossings that are not often used.

Where there is an island in the middle of a zebra crossing, wait on the island and check for oncoming traffic before crossing the second half of the road. This is, in fact, a separate crossing.

New zebra crossings

The need for a crossing is assessed according to:

  • traffic volume and pedestrian crossings surveys that gauge the conflict between pedestrians and vehicles
  • the difficulty pedestrians face from traffic speed and volumes
  • the time pedestrians must wait before they can cross
  • the personal injury accident records indicating how many accidents occur at a location and noting those involving pedestrians.

All requests from residents for installation of a crossing are looked at individually.

Related information from other websites

Highways maintenance


Highways maintenance team
Floor 6, Zone C, Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom