How much it costs

The cost of a permit depends on your vehicle's CO2 emissions.

You can check your vehicle emissions.

Vehicles registered since March 2001

CO2 emissions (g/km)6-month permitAnnual permit
Band 1: Less than 1£195£325
Band 2: 1-90£450£750
Band 3: 91-130£720£1,200
Band 4: 131-190£936£1,460
Band 5: 191 or more£960£1,600

If you do not have emission data for your vehicle 

Your permit will be charged at the cost of band 5 if one of the following applies to your vehicle:

  • it was registered after March 2001 and there is no information about CO2 emissions on the vehicle's V5C
  • it was registered before March 2001

Additional charges

Charge type6-month permitAnnual permit
Admin fee for each a new permit application£36£36
Additional charge per diesel vehicle registered before September 2015£30£50