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Providing a vision of how Croydon will look in the future.
The Local Plan is the most important planning policy for the borough, providing a vision of how Croydon will look in 2040. It will act as a framework for the planning and management of development in the borough over that period. The plan will serve as the foundation for a range of other planning documents that will form the Local Development Framework for Croydon.
The Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public on 29 November 2024.
In accordance with section 20(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the following have been been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Croydon Local Plan Review:
The inspectors will examine the representations and the Local Plan against a number of legal requirements. They will then prepare a report following the examination hearings that will include a series of recommendations.
The Local Plan Examination in Public is likely to take place in early 2025. This page will be updated as the examination progresses.
The examination process will include:
Other documents that form part of the examination include:
All documents and meetings will be shared below in the downloads section.
For information about the examination process please see the government publication: Examining Local Plans Procedural Practice.
Chris Banks has been appointed as Programme Officer for the examination.
For matters relating to examination procedures please email bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com.
Telephone Number: 01903 783722
Postal address:
Chris Banks
Programme Officer
c/o Banks Solutions
64 Lavinia Way
East Preston
West Sussex
BN16 1EF
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