Primary, infant and junior schools directory

St Mary's Catholic Junior School

An academy for boys and girls aged 7 to 11.

School information:

  • Head of school:  Mr Andrew McDonald
  • Admission number: 60
  • Age range: 7 to 11
  • DfE number: 306/2097

The school is part of St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Trust, a Multi Academy Trust consisting of St Mary’s Catholic Infant School and St Mary’s Catholic Junior School.


See more information on school admissions and transferring from infant to junior school.

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

If applying for a foundation place, the school’s SIF must be completed and returned to the school by the closing date. These supplementary forms seek information which is not collected on the LA application form, but which is needed by the school to enable them to reach a decision on your application.

You can collect a SIF from the school or download it from the school’s website. The SIF should be returned direct to the school and not to the Local Authority. 

Please note: a SIF will not be considered on its own. You must also include the school as a preference on the Local Authority’s online application form.

Failure to return the SIF will mean that the school cannot consider the application under the foundation criteria. In this case the application will be considered under open places criteria.

Download admission information for this school

St Mary's Catholic Junior School - admission arrangements 2024 to 2025 Word, 100KB)

St Mary's Catholic Junior School - admission arrangements 2025 to 2026 (PDF, 280KB)

Contact Information

Contact phone

St Mary's Catholic Junior School, Sydenham Road
Croydon CR0 2EW
United Kingdom
