Secondary schools directory

Orchard Park High School

An academy for boys and girls aged 11 to 16.

School information:

  • Headteacher: Ms C Moran
  • Admission number: 150
  • Age range: 11 to 16
  • DfE number: 306/4004

Transport links:

Bus routes: 119, 198, 367, 194

'Inspiring lives, building futures’

Orchard Park High School is proud to be part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust; a family of schools who hold a shared vision and set of values for education and learning. Our mission statement declares,

“We are ambitious for our schools and their students. We believe that there is no ceiling on what can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their circumstances or background.”

We pride ourselves on our positive ethos, which drives the personal development, academic achievement and holistic wellbeing of every individual in our care. As a vibrant learning community, we offer a learning journey which gives our students the very best chance of success during their time with us, and beyond. Our focus on daily reading, academic progress, character development and community spirit is palpable. When you visit our school, you’ll find that our students are challenged, inspired and encouraged to reach their full potential, regardless of ability. To us, kindness, integrity and respect are non-negotiables.

Mission statement

We seek to inspire and empower all members of our school community to:

  • be proud of, and contribute positively to, our school community
  • be your best, striving for academic excellence
  • be yourself, nurturing potential and embracing difference
  • be kind, respecting ourselves and each other
  • embrace the journey, recognising that the learning journey requires effort, resilience and stamina, in order to become successful lifelong learners

School expectations

We have high academic expectations and a commitment to being the ‘best we can be.’ Students are expected to behave suitably for study, to work hard and to value the opportunities offered to them both within and beyond school walls. We are an inclusive school with a deep sense of community. We take pride in courtesy, smart appearance and good conduct. We value our close working relationships with parents and carers and believe this holistic approach is central to academic progress. We are advocates of self-worth, personal belief and a positive mindset.


We are desperately proud of our broad curriculum offer at Orchard Park. We are convinced our students access the very best teaching in our core subjects of English, Maths and Science, but also in the Humanities, the Arts, Languages, Sports and other vocational qualifications. Our school offers a variety of academic and vocational options to ensure that all pupils can study courses appropriate to their needs, desires and abilities. Many of our students have progressed to study medicine, dentistry and nursing, as well as many other careers in the arts, humanities, finance and other invaluable fields of work.

Extra-curricular activity

We are delighted that our Character Education programme at Orchard Park continues to grow and is integral to school life here. Our four core values of Integrity, Excellence, Collaboration and Drive channel through everything we do. We maintain an outstanding sporting record and continue to establish close partnerships with a number of different local and national organisations that enable our students to advance in the world of sport. We offer a wealth of extra-curricular activities, which include visits to professional and artistic venues, opportunities for public speaking, enterprise education and many visits to theatres, concerts, museums and galleries throughout the education journey.

We are thrilled to welcome our new students at Orchard Park, as we support them to grow into success.


Read Orchard Park High's full admission policy – Orchard Park High

See more information on school admissions.

Download admission information for this school

Orchard Park High School 2024 - 2025 admission arrangements (PDF, 251KB)

Orchard Park High School 2025 - 2026 admission arrangements (PDF, 215KB)

Orchard Park High School social and medical application form (PDF, 578KB)

Contact Information

Contact phone
Enquiries email

Orchard Park High School, Orchard Way
Croydon CR0 7NJ
United Kingdom
