Travelling safely
When you know which school your child will be going to, help him or her to work out the safest route there and back:
- start by drawing a simple map, marking the route and talking it through together
- try and avoid potential danger spots such as busy junctions, bends, heavily parked areas - even if it makes the journey a bit longer
- in poor visibility remember drivers may not be able to see you
- if crossing between parked cars is the only option on route, ensure they know how to do it in the safest way
- ideally always use safer crossing places, such as pelican crossings, zebra crossings and traffic islands
- make the journey together several times before they start at the new school
- plan alternative routes
Teach your child how to walk to school safely:
- make sure your child knows how to cross the road safely and has lots of practice
- encourage them to use pedestrian crossings and make sure they know how to use them - young people often assume that drivers will automatically stop and never make mistakes
- emphasise that they must not stray from their agreed route home without prior permission - such as when visiting friends after school
- talk about peer pressure with them, and about the danger of being distracted - such as listening to music and using mobile phones - whilst crossing the road
If your child is cycling, make sure:
- your child is able to cope safely when cycling in traffic
- the cycle is mechanically sound and the correct size
- the cycle has working lights, reflectors and lock
By car
If there is no practical alternative and you have to drive your child to school, make sure:
- everyone wears a seatbelt
- your child knows what to do if you are late picking them up
Consider park and stride, where you drop your child off a short distance away from the school so they can walk the remainder of the journey (5-10 minutes). This helps to alleviate congestion around the local area and creates a healthier, safer and less polluted environment for the school community.
General tips
Teach children to:
- stand away from the kerb or the edge of the platform when waiting for a bus or train
- when in a vehicle, to stay seated. If on public transport and have to stand, ensure they hold onto a railing or handle, especially when the vehicle is in motion
- wait until the bus has moved away before crossing the road to ensure good visibility
- avoid empty train compartments and, in buses sit near the driver where possible
Avoid trouble:
- keep to public places
- avoid badly lit areas
- know what to do if approached by a stranger
- never talk to or accept a lift from strangers
- travel with friends where possible
- keep mobiles, money and other electronic devices out of sight
Emergency check list - does your child know:
- home address and relevant telephone numbers
- how to contact the emergency services
- what to do if they lose their oyster card, money or keys
- who to approach in the new school if they have a problem
Other things to think about:
- if your child will be travelling by bus or train, do the trip a few times together
- ensure your child knows alternative routes
Transport for London have also produced resources for their ‘STARS Safer Journey Planner’ which include videos created by their Safety and Citizenship team.