Organising safe events

Advice on how to organise a safe event and how to notify the council that you are holding an event.

Calendar of events

See our calendar of public events.

Register and pay for your event 

Before you hold a public event, you must download and complete an event application form (Word, 211 KB)

You also need to conduct a risk assessment.

Download the risk assessment guidance (PDF, 385KB)

Download a generic risk assessment example (Word, 355KB).

Then send us:

  • a completed application form
  • a completed risk assessment
  • a copy of the public liability insurance
  • an event management plan

Application fees

You must pay an application fee:

  • charity and community events cost £46 including VAT
  • commercial events cost £163 including VAT

These fees are non-refundable.

Pay online

Pay online through the PAY for IT portal.

Select 'Events' from the 'Product Search' drop down at the top of the page.

Then select either 'Commercial public event application fee' or 'Community or Charity public event application fee'. 

You will be asked to register on the system just before payment is made.

For some events you will need to pay a 20% non-refundable deposit for the use of the park. The Events Team will notify you at the time of processing applications.

Public gatherings

If you are planning a public gathering, either in a Croydon park or on a Croydon street, you must consider public safety. Jump to our calendar of public events.

Public gatherings include:

Commercial events

Commercial events are those that are intended to make a profit, including product launches, corporate events, other marketing and promotional activities. This also includes circuses, fairgrounds, and ticketed festivals.

Community events

These are events organised by local not-for-profit, community or voluntary groups that directly benefit the residents of Croydon and do not provide significant advertising or other commercial benefit to a profit-making business or organisation.

Charity events

Events organised by registered charities and are predominantly fund-raising or awareness-raising events for the benefit of the charity. A registered charity number should be provided.

Organised fitness

These are sporting or physical activity events organised with or without a charge to those attending the activity. Generally where groups are offering training or organisation without a charge there will not be a booking fee but an application fee may still apply.

Event Fees & Charges

You can download the hire fees and charges for the use of our parks and open spaces.

Event hires fees for parks 2024 to 2025 (PDF, 59KB)

Organising safe events guide

For more on stewarding, public liability insurance, site preparation and more, download our guide to organising safe and successful events in Croydon (PDF, 259KB).

General Data Protection Regulations and sharing information

We will store the information you provide in our internal database. However, to help ensure that your event runs smoothly we will share this with appropriate internal Council departments, including:

  • parks
  • highways
  • parking

We may also share your information with external agencies, including the:

  • police
  • London Fire Brigade
  • London Ambulance Service

We will keep a record of who this has been shared with. Please let us know if you do not want your information to be shared.

Additional fees

Other fees may apply.


More information



Visit the Food Standards Agency website for guidance on providing food at community and charity events:  Providing food at community and charity events

Events calendar

Croydon Events Team


Events Team
6th Floor, Zone A, Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom