Equality and diversity strategies and publications

Achieving Access for All, Equality Annual Report, Equality Policy Statement, Equality Strategy, archive of schemes and strategies, workforce profiles, gender pay gap, ethnicity and disability pay gap, and our workforce strategy.

Equality Strategy 2023 to 2027

Our Equality Strategy 2023 to 2027 (PDF, 800MB) provides a framework for:

  • our equality objectives
  • what we want to achieve
  • actions we will take to tackle and address inequality

This refreshed Equality Strategy reflects the exceptional financial and governance challenges facing the Council. Equalities considerations will need to be at the heart of the Council’s thinking, given the level of change and service transformation expected over the coming years. This Strategy sets out a framework for the actions we will take, and the values we will be guided by, as the council transforms to reduce costs, improve outcomes and reduce inequality for residents.

Developing the strategy and its objectives  

The Council, like other public bodies, must publish information about equality every year and equality objectives every four years. Our approach in 2020 built on the partnership work undertaken the previous year to identify priorities through assessments, surveys and consultation exercises. These activities highlighted issues that need to be addressed in the years ahead. From this information our equality objectives were drafted and adopted after a final consultation. 

Many council services are currently contributing through their strategies to tackle inequalities and address disadvantage for protected groups across the borough. Some of the equality objectives will be found embedded in other relevant strategies and plans that are published, such as the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Adult Social Care and Health Strategy.