Publication scheme

What we spend and how we spend it, who we are and what we do, what our priorities are and how we're doing, how we make decisions, our policies and procedures, lists and registers and services provided by the council.

What our priorities are and how we are doing (Class 3)

Annual reports of the Council

Pension scheme - annual reports

Scrutiny and overview committee - annual reports 

Strategies and business plans for services provided by the Council and formally agreed strategies and plans. 

Audits and performance indicators - contained in reports of the Council's committees

' Forward plan' / key decisions (Key decision notices and other notices issued in accordance with local authorities (executive arrangements) (meetings and access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.)

Economic development (Economic intelligence, development plan and skills and employment plans)

Additional information is available in the Croydon Observatory, which contains policy and strategy information as well as detailed performance and statistical information.