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Electoral reviews in Croydon, including reviews of polling districts, polling places and parliamentary constituencies.
The Electoral Registration Act 2013 introduced a formal process for the timings of compulsory reviews of UK parliamentary polling districts and polling places. A full review of the whole borough must be undertaken at intervals of not less than 5 years. The last review was completed in January 2020.
Although the law requires a review of UK parliamentary polling districts and polling places, this is effectively a review for all elections that take place in Croydon as these will be used for local government elections.
The review cannot make any changes to the existing UK parliamentary constituency boundaries or the Croydon Council ward boundaries.
A polling district is a geographical area created by the sub-division of a parliamentary constituency for the purposes of a UK parliamentary election. To provide consistency the designated polling districts for UK parliamentary elections are also used at local government elections.
A polling place is the building or area in which the Returning Officer will locate a polling station. The polling place should be designated so that the polling station is within as easy reach as possible for all electors in the polling district.
A polling station is the room where voting takes place. For example, the polling place could be a school, and the polling station is the School Hall.
The Returning Officer has undertaken a preliminary review of the current polling arrangements in Croydon and developed proposals for the future.
The following issues were considered:
The Returning Officer’s proposals for future arrangements are set out in the Review of polling districts and polling places consultation document 2025, PDF 3.7MB).
A public consultation on the Returning Officer’s proposals for future arrangements for polling districts and polling places will run from Monday 20 January 2025 until midnight on Sunday 16 February 2025.
This consultation document has been sent to the Croydon Members of Parliament, The Executive Mayor, Councillors, and local political parties. It will also be sent to individuals and organisations with particular expertise in relation to access to premises or who represent groups with protected status under the Equality Act 2010.
Any registered elector in Croydon may make a representation regarding the proposals.
By email
By post
Electoral Services
Floor 11
Bernard Weatherill House
Anyone making representations is encouraged to suggest alternative polling districts or places where appropriate and to give reasons for the alternative.
Following the close of the public consultation, all correspondence and representations received relating to the review must be published. For individual electors, this will include their name and the ward they are an elector in, but their address and contact information will not be published.
There are a number of resources available to assist individuals and organisations who wish to make representations:
To request copies please email seth.alker@croydon.gov.uk
Following the public consultation, all representations will be considered, in addition to any further information regarding the availability or suitability of polling places. Council officers will then develop final recommendations for future arrangements.
The final recommendations will be published in a report to the Council’s General Purposes Committee which is scheduled to meet on 29 April 2025.
Following ratification of the recommendations by the General Purposes Committee, any changes to polling districts will be made to the electoral register when it is updated on 1 May 2025.
New arrangements will take effect at any election where the Notice of Election is published on or after 1 May 2025.
If you have any queries regarding this review please contact Seth Alker, Head of Electoral Services: seth.alker@croydon.gov.uk
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