Supporting sensible drinking in Croydon

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Training for professionals

There are 2 training courses to provide staff with the tools to recognise and provide help where there is a risk level in a person's drinking. 

Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) training

This training aims to give staff the confidence to raise the issue, knowledge of how to help people check their alcohol intake level, the tools to assess the risk level of someone's drinking, and then how to help.

Courses available include delivering alcohol IBA in four settings:
•    primary care
•    community pharmacy
•    hospitals
•    dental teams

Find out more about the IBA training on the Alcohol Change website.

Blue Light (Alcohol Change) training

The Blue Light approach is an initiative to develop alternative approaches and care pathways for drinkers who are not in contact with treatment services, but who have complex needs.

It challenges the belief that only drinkers who show clear motivation to change can be helped and sets out positive strategies that can be used with this client group.

Find out more about the Blue Light Project.