Condensation, damp and mould

We are committed to addressing reports of condensation, damp and mould within our properties.

For privately rented properties visit damp, condensation and mould pages for privately rented properties.

If you have problems with condensation, damp or mould in your home, you should report it to us as soon as possible. You can report the issue online or call us on 0208 726 6101.

What we’ll do when you report a problem

Your call or reported issue will be triaged to our Damp and Mould team who will make an appointment with you to visit your property to diagnose the cause of your problem. We may perform some initial work to clean and treat the affected areas to keep you safe. We will look to tackle the root cause of the problem and ensure it doesn’t return.

If the problem is not resolved

If you find that after reporting the problem, you don’t get the response you’re looking for and the problem doesn’t go away. Contact us on 0208 726 6101 without delay.

Top tips – reducing condensation in the home

Condensation, damp and mould can be caused in many different ways.

Everyone can benefit from following some simple tips to reduce condensation and the risk of damp and mould in their home.

In the kitchen

  • when cooking or boiling a kettle, keep the door closed to prevent steam from circulating around your home. Steam will collect on cold walls and windows and create condensation
  • if you have an extractor fan in the kitchen, make sure your extractor fan is switched on, if you do not have one, please report this to us on 0208 726 6101 so that we can arrange to have one installed
  • when cooking, cover your pans with lids and leave your extractor fans on, you can also open your windows to clear the air of any excess moisture

In the bathroom

  • when you take a hot shower or bath, moisture can be released into the air, leading to condensation, damp and mould in the bathroom. If you have an extractor fan, switch it on during your shower or bath to remove excess steam
  • if your bathroom does not have an extractor fan, please report this to us on 0208 726 6101 so we can arrange to have one fitted
  • you can also open a window to help disperse the steam quickly.

Around the home

  • where possible keep your windows and trickle vent open to encourage fresh air to circulate in your home and remove moisture
  • try to avoid drying clothes inside or over radiators. If you can’t, then place the clothes on an airing rack in a room next to an open window and close the door. If the room has an extractor fan, keep it switched whilst your clothes are drying
  • try to keep your furniture away from walls to allow air to flow around it. You may want to keep soft furnishing away from external walls where moisture can collect.
  • leave your central heating on constant at a low setting for as long as possible to maintain a constant temperature in your home, or set the timer to boost the heating in the morning and evening
  • wipe away any condensation from windows and doors to prevent mould from growing. Moisture left on surfaces will encourage mould growth
  • avoid overfilling your wardrobes and cupboards, as warm damp air will collect and may cause mould spots to appear on your clothes
  • if you have a tumble dryer, ensure it is vented to an outside wall, or if it has a condenser make sure it is emptied regularly.

Other issues that can cause damp and mould

  • leaks from missing or loose roof tiles
  • leaks from your neighbours’ property, they may not be aware there is a leak in their property
  • water damage from a broken or leaking pipe.
  • rising damp caused by ground moisture absorbed into the walls of the building
  • structural issues from poor insulation or inadequate drainage

It’s important that we identify the underlying cause of the damp and mould in your property as soon as possible.

Documents relating to condensation, damp and mould

Read our condensation, damp and mould policy.

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8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom