Improving your home

Every year, we make a capital investment in excess of £20 million pounds across the borough’s council homes. Currently, we are developing a new Asset Management Strategy for future investment.

Improving your home

Every year, the council makes a capital investment in excess of £20 million across the borough’s council homes. The council is currently developing its new Asset Management Strategy for future investment. 

Our asset management approach

Our aim is to ensure that our properties remain warm, dry and hazard free with modern facilities as defined in the government’s Decent Homes Standard.

How have we done our stock condition surveys in the past 

We have an in-house team of stock condition surveyors who visit our properties on a regular basis. We use information from our contractors to update our database when things are replaced. When evidence suggests that more specific survey information is required, we employ specialists to carry this out for us.

How will we do them in the future

Largely the same, however as technology improves and becomes more affordable, we are hoping that the collection and analysis of data becomes more efficient.

What do we currently invest in our council homes

Our costs vary from year to year depending on the programme of works. Approximate annual costs are:

  • £14 million – responsive repairs
  • £25 million – planned maintenance and improvements
  • £1.5 million - cyclical works and servicing

What are our investment plans for the future

In terms of expenditure, largely the same as we are required to ensure that our Housing Revenue Account balances with our income, whilst retaining a reserve for emergencies.

The government is in the process of updating the Decent Homes Standard. In addition, there are new legislative requirements under the Fire Safety Act. All of these legislative changes coupled with aspirations towards Net Zero carbon by 2050 means that we will need to work closely with residents to prioritise work across our housing stock.