Improving your home

Our Asset Management Strategy explains our approach to how we maintain and invest in homes for the coming years.

Improving your home

Our asset management approach

Every year, we make a capital investment in excess of £20 million pounds across the borough’s council homes. Our Asset Management Strategy explains our approach to how we maintain and invest in homes for the coming years.

Most of our council homes and blocks have current stock condition survey information. We aim to conduct surveys for 80% of our stock by March 2025 and 100% by September 2025. Stock condition information will inform but not dictate investment decisions.

In addition:

  • we will use information from our contractors to update our database when elements in a property are replaced
  • where evidence suggests that more specific survey information is required, we employ specialists to carry this out

How we are improving

We are implementing new technology to collate information on the condition of our properties. Using stock condition data, along with responsive repairs data, and local intelligence, enables us to plan future investment and management programmes.

What we currently invest in our council homes

Costs vary year to year depending on the programme of work for the year. Our approximate annual costs are:

  • £14 million: responsive repairs
  • £25 million: planned maintenance and improvements
  • £1.5 million: cyclical works and servicing

Our investment plans

The plan sets aside £861 million to invest in the stock over the next 30 years for both tenanted homes and communal areas, with a further £103 million identified for regeneration.

Investment requirements are reviewed annually with scope to re-prioritise funding based on the data received via our stock condition survey, and any announcements on a new decent homes standard.

New legislative requirements under the Building Safety Act, and Awaab's Law have been introduced to ensure our homes are safe for our residents. These changes, along with the government's initiative to achieve net zero carbon by 2050 mean that we will work closely with residents to prioritise improvements across our housing stock.