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If you change your vehicle or address, or are using a courtesy car, email us at parkingpermits@croydon.gov.uk straight away.
We will give you 4 weeks of temporary cover while you wait for your new permit.
You will need to return your old permit to us to get a new one.
Send us:
Contact us on parkingpermits@croydon.gov.uk.
After we confirm the changes to your permit, return the old one to us by post. This means you can avoid a fee.
Parking Permit Section
Parking Services, PO Box 1462
Croydon CR9 1WX
United Kingdom
You can cancel your permit if you sell your vehicle, move or no longer need the permit.
We will:
To cancel your permit and get a refund, email us on parkingpermits@croydon.gov.uk.
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