Housing estate parking permits

Apply for or renew a housing estate parking permit

If you're a permanent resident of a council-owned housing estate in Croydon, you can get a permit to park in the estate's car park or roads. 

Who can get a permit

To apply for a permit, you must:

  • be a permanent resident of a council-owned housing estate
  • be the registered vehicle keeper - this means the person who is responsible for the vehicle and drives it
  • be on the electoral register or Council Tax record

Before you start

You will need to pay using a credit or debit card. You will also need one of the following:

  • a photo or scan of page 2 of your vehicle log book (V5C) showing vehicle make, model, engine size and emissions
  • a screenshot of your vehicle's details from the GOV.UK vehicle enquiry service
  • the MOT certificate - if you have a new car you may not need this document
  • your vehicle insurance document

If you're applying for a new permit

Set the start date at least 7 days after the date you are applying. This makes sure the permit does not start before you get it in the post.

If you're renewing your permit

You will need your PIN. You can find this in the renewal reminder we send you by post or email. 

Apply or renew

If you do not have your PIN, you can ask for a reminder when you renew your permit online. Alternatively, you can email parkingpermits@croydon.gov.uk with your permit number and address.