Visitor parking permits

Apply for a visitor parking permit

If you live in a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Croydon, you can get a permit for visitors to park nearby. 

Types of permit

Annual permit

You can get an annual visitor permit if you live in the central controlled parking zone. This is only valid on evenings and Sundays.

Each household can get 1 permit.

Visitor day permit

You can get a visitor day permit if you need parking for your visitors at other times, or you live in a different controlled parking zone.

Each household can get 1 visitor day permit.

Before you start

If you're applying for a visitor day permit

We will need a proof of address. This can be a photo or scan of one of the following:

  • a current Council Tax bill
  • a tenancy agreement
  • a rental or lease agreement
  • a mortgage letter with an address

If you're applying for a visitor annual permit

You will need to be on the electoral or Council Tax register. This is because we use these to check your details.

Apply for a visitor day permit

Apply now

Apply for an annual visitor permit

Apply now