Croydon Local Plan review

The review will update the vision and strategy for Croydon’s growth and set out how the council will continue to deliver much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities.

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Latest news

The Proposed Submission draft of the Croydon Local Plan has been published in accordance Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. 

You are invited to submit your representations on the legal compliance and ‘soundness’ as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), paragraph 35 of the submission draft of the Croydon Local Plan over a 6-week period. The consultation is now closed.

To make a representation 

Find out more about the revised Local plan on the Regulation 19 consultation page. 

Croydon Local Plan partial review 

The partial review of Croydon’s Local Plan commenced in 2019. 

The first stage of the review also known as Regulation 18 sought feedback from the community with a period of consultation referred to as the Issues and Options consultation. This took place between November 2019 to January 2020.

A second stage of the review known as Regulation 19 was undertaken between January and February 2022.

Download a summary of the representations received in response to the Regulation 18 consultation.

The council received over 800 responses which have been reviewed and considered in the latest version of the Regulation 19 revised Plan. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared feedback to date. 

Further changes were needed to be made to the revised Local Plan following the appointment in May 2022 of the Executive Mayor, Jason Perry and the subsequent approval of his Business Plan (2022-2026). The updated version now takes account of the Mayor’s Business Plan and addresses concerns raised as part of the previous Regulation 19 publication process.

Following the Regulation 19 consultation, the next steps will be to publish the responses and submit the draft partial review of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public. It is anticipated that the submission will be made before the end of 2024.

For additional background evidence supporting the adopted Local Plan please visit the Evidence page.

If you wish to view supporting evidence from the earlier consultations that were used to create our planning policies and viewing other evidence documents, please visit our Previous Local Plan Consultation and Evidence page.

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding the Local Plan review, or if you require the consultation document in any other format or language, contact us.

Email or telephone 020 8726 6000 (Spatial Planning team)