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Early technical surveys are underway ahead of developing proposals for how to improve Central Parade and the surrounding area.
Following the opening of the new leisure centre in January 2020 and a community engagement exercise in Autumn 2018 that identified local priorities for the regeneration of New Addington, early technical surveys are underway ahead of developing proposals for how to improve Central Parade and the surrounding area. These surveys are essential to inform what is and is not possible in terms of designs that will be shared with the community this autumn.
Download the New Addington Community engagement process report 2018 – (PDF, 2.6 MB)
We have taken account of the positive community feedback during the 2018 engagement where 87% of respondents supported proposals to create a Wellbeing Centre and more than three quarters supported new housing to meet the community’s needs
This next phase of the regeneration will look further into the opportunities around delivering a brand new modern facility offering a range of council services, including library facilities and adult education, as well as GP surgeries and community health services. The proposals would also include a new village green and much needed homes.
You will see surveyors out and about around the Central Parade area in the summer months undertaking a variety surveys including utilities (gas, water, electricity), tree and topographical surveys. A full risk assessment has been carried out and their work will be organised to keep residents and themselves safe.
Find out more about regeneration projects in New Addington:
Announcements about how the community can get involved in developing this next phase of the regeneration will be available in the early autumn.
Please continue to visit these pages for updates.
To join a mailing list for the New Addington newsletter and receive regular updates, or find out how you can get involved with these exciting proposals and for any other queries please contact: NewAddingtonRegen@croydon.gov.uk
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