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About the Croydon Schools' Forum, and meeting minutes and agendas.
Croydon schools’ forum (CSF), is a statutory body that meets regularly to make decisions about how funding received from central government is distributed to schools in Croydon, including changes to the council’s schools funding formula, arrangements for multi-year budgets, and the provision of education for particular groups of pupils such as those with high needs (special educational needs).
The schools forum represents the wide diversity of the Croydon schools community. Membership includes headteachers and governors from each of the different types of school in Croydon, elected members and representatives from local organisations. A number of council officers attend meetings as observers including the Head of School Standards, Commissioning and Learning Access and the Finance Business Partner People department. The cabinet member for the People department also attends as an observer.
There are usually 8 meetings of the schools forum per academic year, approximately 3 per term. Meetings are open to the public.
Download Croydon schools forum terms of constitution (DOC, 49.7KB)
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