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If you run a business that offers beauty treatments, massage, alternative therapies or tanning facilities you may need a special treatments licence.
To apply for a new special treatments licence, you need to complete the following form:
Apply for a new special treatment licence (Word, 208KB).
Send the completed form to the licensing team.
Croydon Council Licensing Team
3rd Floor, Zone B
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA.
Email: licensing@croydon.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 8760 5466
Endorsement forms (PDF, 20KB) are required for each special treatment operative along with two passport photos
You also need to send a copy of the relevant qualifications of each therapist that carries out treatments at the premises.
We only accept qualifications that appear on the OFQUAL register if one is available in the treatment being offered. You can find the information on the Register of Regulated Qualifications website.
Download a list of the minimum qualifications accepted for each treatment (PDF, 229KB)
Qualifications gained overseas will have to be submitted by the therapist/practitioner to UK NARIC. So a qualification comparison can be completed. Then a statement of comparability is provided. This supports your application to provide those treatments.
The following documents contain information to help you complete your application and maintain the licence conditions.
Trade waste (PDF, 19 KB)
Portable appliance testing (PAT) certificates (PDF, 21 KB)
Gas safety certificates (PDF, 19 KB)
Fire extinguishers (PDF, 23 KB)
Fire alarms (PDF, 19 KB)
Fire risk assessments (PDF, 21 KB)
Clinical waste (PDF, 26 KB)
Fixed wiring certificates (PDF, 21 KB)
Floor plans (PDF, 48 KB)
The licence period starts 1 August of one calendar year and expires 31 July of the following year.
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