Paying for adult social care

If you have less than £23,250 in savings, you may get some or all of your adult social care costs covered. A financial assessment will determine any financial support you are eligible for.

Deferred payments

The deferred payments scheme allows client who own their own home, to make an arrangement whereby they do not have to sell their home during their lifetime to pay their care costs.

Instead, we will pay the cost and recover the money owed by the client, plus interest and administration fees, as specified in the deferred payments agreement.

We will offer a deferred payment arrangement (DPA) to people who meet the criteria governing eligibility and who are able to provide adequate security for the debt.

The eligibility criteria are covered in section 11 of the deferred payments policy (PDF, 233KB).

Find out more about our deferred payments scheme (PDF, 702KB)

How the scheme can help you

The scheme allows the council to continue to meet the difference between your assessed contribution (what you pay) and the cost of the care home. The difference
is called the deferred contribution.

What you need to know about the scheme

Before applying for a DPA, you should read the deferred payments policy and the deferred payments agreement for a full understanding of terms and arrangements. 

Key points are:

  • we will put a legal charge on your property to secure the debt owed
  • the debt owed will be made up of some or all of the following, as set out in the annual fees and charges schedule:
    • legal fees
    • administration fees
    • interest
  • the total debt will be recoverable through property security in accordance with the deferred payments agreement
  • you or your estate will pay back the deferred contributions when the property is sold or when the residential care stops
  • interest will accumulate while the payments are being deferred
    • interest will be charged from day 1 of the agreement
    • rates are subject to change every 6 months, as determined by central government
    • interest is calculated and charged on a daily compound basis
  • if you and Croydon council agree to defer payments, you should seek independent financial advice before arrangements are finalised
  • you will need to ensure that the property is secure, insured and maintained at all times

How to apply

If you would like to apply for the deferred payments scheme you should speak to your financial assessment officer or call the financial assessment section on

the charging help line: 020 8760 5676

Or email:

You can also email enquiries to