Paying for adult social care

If you have less than £23,250 in savings, you may get some or all of your adult social care costs covered. A financial assessment will determine any financial support you are eligible for.

Financial assessment form guidance

If you would like to apply for help funding your social care, you will need to complete our financial assessment form.


You can complete the online financial assessment form.

Start now

By post

You can also complete and return the financial assessment form to: 

Financial Assessments, Billing & Charging Policy for Adult Social Care, Business Compliance and Early Intervention  
2nd Floor, Zone D 
Bernard Weatherill House, 
8 Mint Walk, 
Croydon, CR0 1EA 

To help us assist you in understanding how your care will be funded, you should ensure that you know who your allocated financial assessment officer is. 

If you have questions or need help, you can call the charging helpline on: 020 8760 5676.

Information we will need to carry out your financial assessment:

  • to calculate if you are eligible for financial help, we only need financial information about the person receiving service, and throughout the financial assessment form, we refer to the person receiving care as the service user and you
  • as you complete the form, guidance notes will tell you about the kinds of information we will need from you to verify your details; if you are sending in your completed form to us by email or post it is very important that you remember to include photocopies, scans or pictures of information that is required
  • it is important to know that some people are exempt from paying for their care; in order for us to understand if you are exempt, we will need you to complete and return the form; for more details about charging exemptions, read page 5, 3.26 to 3.29 of our charging policy, (PDF 455KB) 
  • We will treat a person as having a “full cost” financial assessment where they: 
    • choose not to disclose their financial information to enable a full financial assessment; 
    • fail to co-operate and/or do not provide a completed financial assessment form within 28 days of agreeing a support plan or the commencement of chargeable services (whichever is sooner)
  • if you would like us to check that you are getting all the welfare benefits you are entitled to, make sure you provide information about your spouse/partner/civil partner where requested throughout the form, as this will help us identify any additional income you may be entitled to

For us to accurately assess how much you can afford to pay towards the cost of your care and therefore how much we pay towards your care and support, make sure you provide the following information:

  • income and savings;
    • bank and building society statements, Post Office accounts for all accounts you hold dating back to the last 6 months
    • savings accounts statements or passbooks for the last 6 months
    • statements or passbooks for any ISAs or other investments, including Post Office accounts
    • documents detailing all income including from any private pensions you may have
    • letter from Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) with details of state pension or any other benefits you receive such as Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance
  • documents showing the sale of the property and proceeds received of any property you owned or sold in the last 5 years
  • documents to verify how much you spend on;
    • gas and electricity bills for your home
    • rent and mortgage repayments
    • Council Tax
    • extra costs related to disability or infirmity, such as travel
  • power of attorney if you have registered someone to have power of attorney over your financial affairs then we will need to see documentation to verify this

If you require more space to give information, use page 12 of the form and attach additional sheets of paper if necessary.

When you are happy the form is complete, sign the declaration on page 10 and the customer consent on page 11. The form should be returned to:

Financial Assessment Team


Financial Assessment Team, People Department – Welfare and Enablement, 2nd Floor, Zone D,
Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom