Energy and CO2 reduction

Croydon decentralised energy study

This study has been produced to investigate options for a district energy network in the borough.

Download the decentralised energy study at the bottom of the page.

Climate change mitigation and action plans

We have set a long-term target for the borough of a 34% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025. The climate change mitigation action plan seeks not only to meet this target but also to create additional benefits for Croydon in doing so.

It sets out the short and long-term priorities for Croydon and defines the strategic framework through which the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP)will conduct work to mitigate against climate change risks across all sectors within the borough. This includes residential buildings, transport, waste and carbon reduction in the commercial and business sectors.

All actions will contribute to meeting a set of interim carbon reduction targets. The adaptation action plan aims to put in place the support systems, legislative and policy frameworks which will allow the borough to safeguard and increase the resilience of public services during extreme weather events as well as encouraging local businesses to take steps to do the same action. All actions will be carried out within the principles of sustainable development, improving the wellbeing of residents in the borough.

Copies of the climate change action plans can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. 


Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

The strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) process provides information on flood risk. The Level 1 SFRA assesses the flood risk in the borough and provides the information to enable each borough to apply the sequential test. The Level 2 SFRA provides the necessary information to justify the development of sites through satisfaction of the exception test and will provide information on the suitability of SuDS.

You can download the current Level 1 SFRA and updated flood risk maps at the bottom of the page. 

You can download a copy of the strategic flood risk assessment below, appendix available on CD upon request.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Find out how we manage groundwater monitoring, flood risk and investigation 

Developing urban blue corridors

This research report proposes tackling pluvial (surface water) flood risk in a more innovative and strategic manner though the establishment of a network of multifunctional spaces for water. It supports the establishment of safe flood corridors and setting development back from natural overland flow paths and ponding areas.

Establishing this network also provides additional opportunities for improving biodiversity, recreation, urban cooling and access improvements to ponds and open water sites.

A copy of the developing urban blue corridors document is available to download at the bottom of the page.

Surface water management plan - scoping study

This study follows the approach set out in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) guidance (February 2009). According to DEFRA guidance, surface water management plans (SWMPs) are comprised of four major phases:

  • Phase 1 - Preparation
  • Phase 2 - Risk assessment
  • Phase 3 - Options identification and appraisal
  • Phase 4 - Implementation and review

Following production of this Phase 1 scoping study in January 2010 the Drain London project was established by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and London Councils in order to produce full SWMPs for each of the London boroughs. The Drain London project is now complete and the SWMP final report is available upon request by emailing