Urban design, local character and heritage

A review of the current archaeological priority zones has been carried out by Historic England and supports this stage of the Local Plan. A scoping report is available to download at the bottom of this page.

Borough character appraisal

The borough character appraisal (including local character typologies) supports the Croydon local plan. It can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Housing Typologies study

The housing typologies study considers how different types of homes (including family housing) can be provided within the Croydon Opportunity Area.

Local heritage areas

Local Heritage Areas (LHA) is a designation based upon the original criteria for designating Local Areas of Special Character. The criteria for designating an area as an LHA were consulted upon in autumn 2013 as part of the Croydon Local Plan: detailed policies (preferred and alternative options). 

To be designated as an LHA an area must be of heritage significance and meet one or more of the following three criteria:

  • Architecture – the architecture in the area must be of a high quality, distinctive and well preserved. This is because the collective value of a group of historic buildings has a consistent architectural form, style, features, detailing or materials and the group will often, but not always, have been built as a single development over a short period of time.
  • Townscape – the townscape of the area must be of a high quality, distinctive and well preserved. This is because of the attractive and historic composition of the urban form and the area will often, but not always, have been planned.
  • Landscape – the landscape of the area must be of a high quality, distinctive and well preserved. This is because of the distinguishing quality, extent or features of its historic landscape and it will often, but not always, have been planned.

A full assessment of existing Local Areas of Special Character and new proposed LHAs has been undertaken. This assessment can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Local character and heritage assessment documents