Economy and employment

Office, industry & warehousing

Borough industrial and warehousing land and premises market assessment

The primary purpose of this assessment is to determine whether there is likely to be sufficient land and premises to meet predicted demand for employment use (industrial and warehousing land) or whether it is more likely that either an undersupply or a surplus will occur.

The latest assessment of industrial land in the borough was carried out in 2020 and is available to download at the end of the page.

Review of integrated industrial areas

A review of integrated industrial Areas has been carried out in response to the findings of the 2013 Employment Land Review. The review of Integrated Industrial Areas can be downloaded below.

Office Retention Area

This paper sets out the basis for protecting offices in the New Town area of Croydon metropolitan centre. It is available to download below.

Town and Neighbourhood Centres

Review of town centre designations

A review of town centre designations (including shopping parades) has been undertaken to support the preparation of the Croydon local plan: detailed policies and proposals.

You can download the reviews of town centre designations at the end of the page.

A copy of the 'Assessment of boundaries and designations for town centres' is available on request by contacting us on the details at the end of the page.

Neighbourhood centres

Neighbourhood centres are a new designation that typically serve a localised catchment often most accessible by walking and cycling and include local parades, community uses and small clusters of shops, mostly for convenience goods and other services. A paper explaining the designation of neighbourhood centres in Croydon can be downloaded at the end of the page.


Understanding the cultural sector in Croydon

The study aims to investigate the following:

  • spatial and activity mapping of the cultural and creative sectors across the borough
  • analysis of audiences and engagement
  • qualitative survey and workshops looking at current barriers and future needs of the sector.

For more information you can download the 'Understanding the cultural sector in Croydon' document at the end of the page.