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The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that local authorities can set on new development in order to raise funds to help fund infrastructure, facilities and services such as schools.
Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule (PDF, 2.4MB)
CIL is charged on:
It is not charged on extensions or other home adaptations.
If your development is liable to pay CIL you should include this in your application. You can find out more about CIL and fill in the forms to support your application on Planning Portal.
You can view the list of infrastructure projects or types that the London Borough of Croydon intends will, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL (PDF, 126KB).
Download the Community Infrastructure Levy 2025 charging rate (PDF, 324KB)
You can work out the potential charge for your development using our CIL calculator (Excel, 39KB).
From 1 January 2020, local authorities (in areas that charge the levy) should use the figure for 1 November, for the previous calendar year. Read government information on the CIL.
The index is an annual index. The figure to be used from 1 November each year, will be published in October.
This is based on the BCIS All-in Tender Price Index (BCIS TPI). Details can be found in the CIL charge rate, published annually. CIL rates increase and decrease in line with indexation.
As a collecting authority for Mayors CIL, the first £25.00 per m2 goes to the Mayor of London. Any remainder is retained by Croydon Council. See page 3 of the CIL in Croydon guide.
Download the CIL in Croydon guide (PDF, 1.58MB).
A Section 106 (S106) is a legal agreement between an applicant seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, to help balance the impact of your new home on the local community and infrastructure.
If your development is liable for S106, this will be decided during the consultation period after you've submitted your application. We will discuss the charges with you and relevant parties. You do not have to submit anything with your application, but you should be aware that S106 may apply.
We have undertaken a partial review of the planning guidance Section 106 Planning Obligations and their relationship to the Community Infrastructure Levy that we adopted in July 2017.
The guidance describes the approach taken to secure the planning obligations and will assist developers by identifying the contributions required, through the grant of planning permissions for development. Read the guidance on S106 and its relationship to CIL (PDF, 754.7KB).
The documents below provide guidance on the council’s monitoring process for employment and training S106 obligations.
It is a statutory requirement under section 216 of the Planning Act 2008, and Regulation 121A of the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 to prepare and publish an Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement for the current financial year no later than December 31.
Download the latest annual infrastructure statement 2022-23 (PDF, 426KB)
Annual infrastructure statement 2021-22 (PDF, 497KB)
Annual infrastructure funding statement 2019-2020
Annual infrastructure funding statement 2020-2021
Croydon monitoring report - Community Infrastructure Levy (PDF, 1.3MB)
Croydon CIL annual monitoring report 2016-17 (PDF, 916KB)
Croydon CIL annual monitoring report 2017-18 (PDF, 902KB)
Croydon CIL annual monitoring report 2018-19 (PDF, 1.1MB)
View the S106 approved expenditure listing quarter 3, 2024-2025 (XLS, 116KB)
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