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"Old Town" is the historic and informal name given to the area in Croydon town centre where the first settlements in Croydon were located in Saxon times. As outlined in the Old Town Masterplan, infill development, better transport links, and public realm improvements are expected to deliver change in this area. These changes are to be designed sensitively to respect the historic character of Old Town, which will assist in knitting the urban fabric of the Old Town back together.
Old Town has strong public transport connections. Vehicular and cycle movement within the area are constrained by several one-way streets, dual carriageways and tram infrastructure. The main constraint on pedestrian movement within Old Town is Roman Way, designed as an urban motorway and dominated by vehicular traffic.
The Council wishes to improve walking and cycling facilities in the Old Town for the following key reasons:
Image of proposed Roman Way improvements from the Old Town Masterplan document
To create a greener, more sustainable and attractive public realm where people chose to walk and cycle Croydon’s has developed proposals to ‘Reconnect Old Town’. These proposals include:
Image of Booth Road – Reeves Corner subway improvements from the Reconnecting Old Town Liveable Neighbourhood Bid
These proposals were accepted into Transport for London’s Liveable Neighbourhood Programme which was paused in December 2021 pending confirmation of TfL's long-term funding package.
Whilst this funding is paused the Council is working to progress a number of low cost initial improvements to the area using Croydon’s Growth Zone and Section 106 funding (contributions from developers to mitigate the impacts of their developments).
Current Proposals
On many of the streets in Old Town there is a relatively low volume of traffic which can make it feel safe to cycle in Old Town in comparison to the neighbouring major roads. A key constraint on cycling is the large number of one-way streets in the area.
The Council’s proposals are to allow cyclists to contraflow on the following streets:
It is proposed that cycles will be exempted from the one way restrictions and will be able to bypass the no-entry signs using a segregated "cycle gap". These contra-flowing cyclists will then be able to continue along the rest of these streets (unsegregated from general traffic travelling in the opposite direction). In order to provide these facilities there are will also be associated changes to parking, waiting and loading to provide the cycle gaps at the ends of the streets.
Image of Proposed Cycle Facilities in the Old Town Area
Download the Old Town Contraflows plan (PDF, 890KB)
It is proposed that the cycle contraflows within Croydon’s Old Town will be implemented under permanent traffic regulation orders (TROs), seeking comments from the public on the proposals prior to any scheme being implemented.
Read details of the proposed traffic orders
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